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- 381Total Learners
- 11Total Sessions
- Apr 18, 2012Active Since
- Chicago, United StatesLocation
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Diane Randall, MA iWhole Living Consultant, inspiring Wellness Teacher and host of the internationally acclaimed podcast, Balanced Living for Busy Professionals. Diane works alongside busy professionals teaching inner tools and strategies to help them create the life they truly love.
Experience and Distinctions
Adjunct Faculty - teaching Mind, Body, Spirit classes, College of DuPage in Illinois since 2012
Corporate Health & Wellness Seminar Presenter
Guest appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show to talk about successful relationships.
Author, eBook, "How to Create Balance in Your Busy Life"
My wellness tips for business travelers featured in the New York Times article, Skilled Traveler? Good Coach. my articles are online and in magazines.
Working mother, on-the-road SAP consultant, trainer, coach, and entrepreneur, and played all or most of those roles at the same time for more...