99إجمالي المتعلمين المسجلين
Englishلغة الصوت
تصنيفات الفئة
{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
لوحة المناقشة هذه متاحة للمتعلمين المسجلين فقط.
Rejuvenating Reiki Healing
Come along for a relaxing and rejuvenating Reiki healing! Energy transcends time and space allowing distant Reiki to be one of the easiest and best ways to heal!
During the Reiki session, Ismene will use crystal energy and will also invite her supportive Reiki team to work on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. All you need to do is sit back and relax!
What happens during the session: 30 minutes of Reiki healing, 5-10 minutes of discussion.
During the Reiki session, Ismene will use crystal energy and will also invite her supportive Reiki team to work on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. All you need to do is sit back and relax!
What happens during the session: 30 minutes of Reiki healing, 5-10 minutes of discussion.
تفاصيل البرنامج
{{ session.minutes }} جلسة دقيقة
لا تسجيل
جلسة مسجلة
فئة حية
حول Ismene Manakas
Ismene Manakas
Hello beautiful souls! Here’s a little bit about me; My name is Ismene and I am a certified Reiki Healer and a channeler. My passion for healing began when I was in my teens. Whenever I would notice that one of my animal companions was unwell or notice...
المتعلمين (99)
مشاهدة الكل
تم نسخ الرابط
تم نسخ ارتباط لهذه الصفحة إلى الحافظة الخاصة بك!
تم نسخ الرابط
تم نسخ ارتباط لهذه الصفحة إلى الحافظة الخاصة بك!